Sarah, this is apt analogy. The thing with grandpa is, he may be as intellectually sharp as ever, but that doesn’t mean the physical decline is unimportant. A position like the presidency requires more than a sharp mind and good ideas; it requires the physical ability to be able to persuasively communicate those ideas and, more importantly, policies. There is a sales and marketing aspect to politics that we don’t like to admit, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I, too, wish he would have graciously handed the keys to a GenXer when he could have graciously done so without losing his dignity. He could have been celebrated for humility and foresight and progressive leadership that is self sacrificing for the greater good. I wish we had a better imagination for healthy succession.

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It's crazy how much of our elecorate is swayed by the "strong man" type, especially those who claim to follow Jesus. I'm very concerned about Christian Nationalists becoming a majority

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He has a well-vetted impressively smart Cabinet. Consider the Administration, not just the man.

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Oh I hear you, though I think most American voters do not vote for an administration. They do look to the candidate. Maybe that will change with this election. After today's SCOTUS ruling (immunity for official presidential acts), there is good reason to look closely at candidate Trump's history *and* what his administration will embody. And I am even more deeply concerned.

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this refers to the 25th Amendment -


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OMG it is so scary.

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