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Welcome to In Polite Company, a weekly newsletter for people who want to interrogate or otherwise defrag American faith. We’ll cover the topics most mothers (not mine!) warn against bringing up in polite company: religion, sex (gender too!), and politics.

This space and related community are for people looking to sort and heal—whether that means tearing it all down or rebuilding so you can reside in a sense of truth free of undue influence.

Subscribe for free to get access to newsletters two-times monthly! You’ll receive something I’m dying to call “Manger Danger,” a monthly review of evangelical history and tomes you wish you could forget and books on faith and doubt you should know. You also receive roundups of religion news, mixed with meditative reflections from Sarah Stankorb on faith, doubt, power, manipulation, and democracy. In Polite Company covers Christian patriarchy, religious nationalism, race, sex, what it’s like to cover the religion beat as a journalist, and more. It’s for people rejecting or reshaping faith as they cling to the gems in their religious heritage.

For deeper coverage and community

In Polite Company is funded by direct subscriptions from readers like you. If you’d like the full, community experience, please consider becoming a paying subscriber. You’ll gain access to:

  • All posts

  • All Q&A’sinterviews with clergy, activists, academics, writers and other thinkers

  • Access to the archives

  • Our new In Polite Company community via chats (once functionality is available across platforms). This will include a monthly ethical dilemma where members play the role of a moral philosopher/advice columnist considering how best to navigate our current climate.

  • Possible guest posts from some favorite writers and thinkers

  • An inside look at writing and launching my new book Disobedient Women

  • Knowledge you are supporting research and investigative work many of you have come to rely upon.

Subscribe to In Polite Company

Reasoned conversation about topics other people avoid in polite company.


Sarah is a religion reporter with an investigative bent. She writes at the intersection of human values and identity: faith, politics, power, and gender. Here, you'll see a window into her research and support her journalism.